Cleveland Bee Removal Can Help with Mosquitos, Too

August 10, 2020

Mosquitos can be among the most dangerous of pests, and in Ohio are known to potentially carry several diseases. They are typically most common in warmer weather, from about May until about October in the Cleveland area.

Disease Carriers

Mosquitos in Ohio have been known to carry the following diseases:

  • West Nile Virus
  • St. Louis Encephalitis Virus
  • La Crosse Virus
  • Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus

Although of course not all mosquitos carry these diseases, the diseases can be serious, and in rare cases can even lead to death.

The La Crosse virus is described by the Ohio Department of Health as endemic, and in children under the age of 16, it sometimes leads to coma, paralysis, or seizures. The West Nile virus, the St. Louis encephalitis virus, and the Eastern equine encephalitis have all, in rare cases, even led to death.

But even if the bites around your home or business result in little more than an annoying itch, no one wants to have to swat way mosquitos while enjoying the great outdoors.

Mosquito Life Cycle

Mosquitos lay their eggs in still water, and one female mosquito will lay over 100 eggs at a time. The larva will then develop into adult mosquitos in 10-14 days, and a female can lay a new round of eggs every 10-14 days. So it takes very little time for an explosion in your local mosquito popular. Preventing them from laying eggs in the first place goes a long way to cutting down on the population, so pour out that water.

Time to Call the Pros

Unfortunately, prevention doesn’t always do the job. If so, then call Cleveland Bee Removal. We have years of experience in pest extermination and removal, and can help solve your problem safely and thoroughly.

We serve the Greater Cleveland area, and you can trust us to offer you maximum value and satisfaction. Because we are locally owned and operated, we know the environmental and weather patterns of the Greater Cleveland area, which can significantly affect the mosquito population where you live.